What is an implant?

It is an artificial tooth root in the form of a screw which is made of titanium and placed via a surgical operation.

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Why Implant?

Tooth deficiencies are usually fixed by bridge prothesis or removable prosthesis. The most common complaints about those treatments are discomfort which is caused either by loose prothesis or food crumbs. Implant treatment even with only two implants the prothesis can be stabilised thus eliminates discomfort. Furthermore with the implant treatment there is no necessity of cutting the healthy biological teeth in order to apply the bridge treatment.

How is an implant placed?

An implant is placed by general dentists or jaw surgeons in accordance with their education, experience and field of profession via a surgical operation performed under sterile conditions. (A 3-day treatment is adequate for placing an implant). The patient then begins a waiting process of 3-6 months in order that the implant can completely integrate into the bone. After the completion of the waiting process, the tooth placement on to the implant lasts a total of 5-7 days.


Who can implants be applied to?

Implants are applied to people who have a good state of health, healthy gums and adequate bone structure, as it requires a surgical operation. If the patient does not have an adequate bone structure, there are additional procedures (the application of artificial or natural bone grafting) to create an adequately suitable space for the implant. The success rate for an implant decreases among patients who have systemic diseases such as diabetes, and chronic diseases such as bruxism, and who smoke and drink alcohol.


Post-treatment Care

Bad oral hygiene has big impact even on natural teeth so it is safe to patients needs to be more careful about their oral hygiene after the operation. Paitens must clean the area of the impant carefully with the bursh recomended by their dentist. First two years of the implant treatment is very important. Patients need to visit their dentist once a year and quit smoking preferably.

In conclusion, progress in both the technology and the implant treatments are breathtaking. Thanks to those advancements the success rate of the implant treatments increased tremendously. For the patiens without enough bone denisty “mini-implants” can be aplied. Furthermore with the new technic of immediate application, crown treatment can be applied immidietly without waiting for three to six weeks of healing period.


Sonuç olarak; günümüzün ilerleyen teknolajisi sayesinde implant uygulama başarısı çok artmıştır.Mini implantlarla yetersiz kemik seviyelerine bile implant uygulanabilmekte hatta 3-6 bekleme süresine bile gerek kalmadan implant uygulamasının hemen ardından ölçü alıp (,immediyat yükleme dediğimiz )kron köprü protez yapımına başlamaktayız.